Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Individual Worth

Individual Worth.  It means that each person is worth something.  The person who has no friends, the most popular person in your school, and you are all of endless worth.

THINK: If there is an orange, apple, and a banana which one is your favorite, which one is the best?

Even though you may think that one is better than the other two, all of them are equally the same.  It doesn't take away from the value of the other two fruits!

Not everyone will value the same fruit over the other two as you.

People are like these fruit, they differ in personality and physical, but that doesn't lessen their worth to their heavenly father,
and we shouldn't judge them because of their personality or physical stature. What if that was you in their place?

(Adapted from LDS Living - FHE:Individual Worth)

Everyone is of infinite worth with their own divine mission, which they try to fulfill.

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of god. (D&C 18:10)


 A good way of bringing out your true individual worth is to stay clear of cliques.  Cliques gossip, make crude comments about others, and exclude people. These people, when you need them the most, will leave you in the dust and you will become the prey.

There are many other groups that create a positive feeling, don't exclude people, and who don't gossip or spread rumors.  These people will be true friends.

by Edgar A. Guest

My father often used to say:
"My boy don't throw a thing away:
You'll find a use for it some day."

So in a box he stored up things,
Bent nails, old washers, pipes and rings,
And bolts and nuts and rusty springs.

Despite each blemish and each flaw,
Some use for everything he saw;
With things material, this was law.

And often when he'd work to do,
He searched the junk box through and through
And found old stuff as good as new.

And I have often thought since then,
That father did the same with men;
He knew he'd need their help again.

It seems to me he understood

That men, as well as iron and wood,
May broken be and still be good.

Despite the vices he'd display
He never threw a man away,
But kept him for another day.

A human junk box is this earth
And into it we're tossed at birth,
To wait the day we'll be of worth.

Though bent and twisted, weak of will,
And full of flaws and lacking skill,
Some service each can render still.


A devoted son or daughter of God who is more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish, more anxious to exercise compassion than to exercise dominion, more committed to integrity than to popularity. 


Individual worth isn't your success.  You do not have to be successful to be of infinite worth.  No matter what, you will always be of extreme worth to our Savior!   If you don't reach your goal in this lifetime, then you can still achieve it in the next one.  It doesn't mean you are a failure.

You are not a failure.

"Our task is to become our best selves. One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need to be final."
-Thomas S. Monson (May 1987 Ensign, page 68)

"We see possibilities in others, but do we ever dream of the possibilities within ourselves?"
"What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you."
-Sir Thomas Brown 

(In case you were wondering, Red is the color for Individual Worth, so that's why there is so much red)

If you have any questions, be sure to ask me! Either comment or send the question to my email, and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Divine Nature the 2nd value

Divine Nature is good to learn about.


  A scripture for divine nature:

23 And now I would that ye should be 

humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy 

to be entreated; full of patience and long-

suffering; being temperate in all things; 

being diligent in keeping the


of God at all times; asking for whatsoever 

things ye stand in need, both spiritual and 

temporal; always returning thanks unto God 

for whatsoever things ye do receive. 24 And 

see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, 

and then ye will always abound in good 


24 And see that ye have faith, hope, and

charity, and then ye will always abound in 

good works. 

 Divine Nature is a very important part of our lives.

 "Each of us comes into this world separately, one by one. This is not an accident. I think it's the Lord's way of reminding us of the infinite worth of each soul."
 -Dwan  J. Young

Each person has a divine role to play in life.  A destiny to accomplish.   You can reach your goals, fulfill your divine destiny and become the best you can be, maybe not in this lifetime, but maybe in the next.
